How can you help?
Shropshire Rural Support provides confidential support during periods of anxiety and stress, and with problems relating to their families and their businesses. We are a small charity supported by a group of dedicated volunteers, all of whom live and are involved with rural Shropshire.
We are always glad to hear from likeminded people who wish to support us in a volunteer capacity, through donations, fundraising or referral contacts.
We depend on a group of committed volunteers to deliver our service and welcome volunteers with any skills required to run a charity including:
• Counselling
• Fundraising
• Marketing & PR
• Events promotion
• Finance
• IT
If you have time or skills to offer, please get in touch.

Our primary source of funding is from donations made by supporters, local companies and private charitable trust. Additional funds are raised through fundraising initiatives.
Any donations are greatly appreciated. If you are a UK tax payer and eligible for gift aid, please complete the gift aid section which enhances your donation by 25%.
If you know someone who needs help and is potentially suicidal, doing nothing is not an option. You can share our details with them to contact us on our confidential helpline on 0300 123 2825 or email us at

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